TodOpera : Música y Mas Música! – Página 1144

Rimsky Korsakov. Vera Sheloga (Prólogo a la ópera La Dama de Pskov). 1947. Opera en un acto. V. Gavryushov (bajo), Esperanza Nasonov  E. Gribov. M. Levin (contralto).Coro y Orquesta del Teatro Bolshoi, conductor Sergey Sajarov.

Boyarina Vera Sheloga es una ópera en un acto de Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Rimsky-Korsakov escribió el libreto, que basada en el drama de Lev Mey Alexandrovich. La ópera fue compuesta en 1898 a partir de material omitido en la primera ópera de Rimsky-Korsakov, la Dama de Pskov (1873) y en realidad es un prólogo a esta ópera, y como tal fue representada en una actuación de 1901.

Sinopsis: Vera, casada con el Boyar Ivan Semyonovich Sheloga, ausente del reino por la guerra, ha tenido una hija hace poco y le confiesa a su hermana soltera, Nadezhda, que la niña no es de su esposo, sino de un joven que la sedujo meses antes. Se siente muy desgraciada por ello, y aún le parece escuchar la voz del joven susurrándole canciones. Poco después regresa el marido, que se sorprende de ver al bebé y se vuelve interrogante hacia su mujer, encolerizándose minuto a minuto, hasta que Nadezhda interviene y dice que la niña es suya, salvando a su hermana.

Purcell: Dido y Eneas. 2009. Londres.Opera en un prólogo y 3 actos con libreto de Nahum Tate. Sarah Connolly (Dido). Lucas Meachem (Eneas). Lucy Crowe (Belinda). Anita Watson. Sara Fulgoni (Hechicera). . Haendel. Acis y Galatea. Opera en 2 actos sobre libreto de John Gay. Charles Workman (Acis). Danielle de Niese (Galatea). Paul Agnew (Damon). Ji Min Park (Coridon). Matthew Rose (Polyphemus). Age of Enlightenment- Dir.: Christopher Hogwood

Donizetti. Misa de Requiem. 1979. Verona.Viorica Cortez (contral).  L. Pavarotti( ten) .Renato Bruson (bar). Paolo Washington(bajo). Dir.: Gerhard Fackler hyqhu07ozam

Viorica Cortez

Rimsky Korsakov. Noche de mayo. 1959. Ópera en tres actos y cuatro escenas. AS Krasovskii, S. Lemeshev,   P. Volovov, E. Vinokur – V. Tyutyunnik, N. Klyagina, E. Gribov, O. Insarov.Coro y orquesta del Teatro Bolshoi, realizada por MV Nebolsin.

La Noche de Mayo es una ópera en 3 actos (4 escenas) con música y libreto de Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov basado en un cuento de Gogol.

Deems Taylor. Peter Ibbetson. 1934. Met. Johnson. Tibbett. Bori. Swarthout. Rothier. Bada. Dir.: T. Serafin

Taylor initially planned to become an architect;however, despite minimal musical training he soon took to music composition. The result was a series of works for orchestra and/or voices. In 1916 he wrote the cantata The Chambered Nautilus, followed by Through the Looking-Glass (for orchestra) in 1918, earning him public praise and recognition.

Taylor was also a friend of the Algonquin Round Table, a group of writers, actors and critics that met almost daily from 1919-1929 at Manhattan’s Algonquin Hotel. He briefly dated Dorothy Parker.

In 1921 he secured a job as music critic for the New York World, a post he held when approached by the Metropolitan Opera to suggest a composer to write a new opera. He put forth his own name, and was accepted, the result being The King’s Henchman, with the libretto by Edna St. Vincent MillayPeter Ibbetson followed in 1929.

Taylor was a promoter of classical music throughout his life, working in broadcasting and as intermission commentator for the New York Philharmonic. He appeared in Walt Disney’s 1940 film Fantasia as the film’s Master of Ceremonies, and was instrumental in selecting the musical pieces that were used in the film, including the then-controversial Sacre du Printemps. He provided the commentary of the technical story behind the recording of actual cannon fire and carillon for the famous recording (by Mercury, in 1954) of Tchaikovsky‘s 1812 Overture—still one of the most highly regarded recordings of that piece. He was also a frequent guest on the radio quiz program Information Please.

His work as a broadcaster, critic, and commentator ultimately overshadowed his work as a composer. Taylor’s music is often witty, always deftly formed, well-timed, and entertaining. The basic style of even his later works is academically post-Romantic, resisting any influence of progressive trends except perhaps in orchestration. This conservatism, lacking sharp individual profile or sense of deep conviction, may help to explain the initial enthusiastic acceptance of Taylor’s work (the number of Metropolitan Opera performances for The King’s Henchman and Peter Ibbetson is greater than that of any other American composer, and none of his American-born contemporaries had more large-scale works published), but may also explain the fact that his music was virtually forgotten soon afterward.

Rimsky Korsakov. Pesadilla antes de Navidad. Opera en 4 actos.1948. P. Krasovskii,  N. Spiller,  S. Flashes  N. Kulagina, – D. Tarkhov,  B. Tyutyunnik, SV Streltsov, AP Pontryagin,  L. Legostaeva (Reina).- K. Pavlov-Asskar,  Alexander Valley. Dir.: Nikolai Golovanov.

Rimsky Korsakov. Mozart y Salieri. 1954. Moscu.Tragedia sobre la obra del mismo nombre de Alexander Pushkin.Mozart – S. Lemeshev (tenor), Salieri – Alexander Pirogov (bajo).


Rimsky Korsakov. El Gallo de Oro. Opera en 3 actos.1962. Zar Dodon – Korolev, el Príncipe Guidon – J. Yelnikov, el príncipe Afron – Polyakov, Voivod Polkan – L. Ktitorov, ama de llaves Amelfa – A. Kleshchev, Astrólogo – G. Alimentos, Shemakhan Reina – Kadinskaya K., de oro Gallo – Polyakova.Solistas, coro y orquesta de la radio soviética

Wagner. Tristan und Isolde. 1931. Bayreuth. Fragmentos. Lauritz Melchior. Josef von Manowarda.Nanny Larsen Todsen.Rudolf Bockelman. Anny Helm (Brangane) Dir. Willhelm Furtwaengler

Wagner. Walküre. 1938. Bayreuth. Fragmentos . Heinz Tietjen. With Franz Völker. Ludwig Hofmann. Rudolf Bockelmann,.Maria Müller. Marta Fuchs.Margarete Klose.

Haendel. Partenope.2009. Viena.Patricia Bardon (mezzo). David Daniels (contratenor). Matthias Rexroth (contraten). Florian Boesch (bar) .Les Talens Lyrique. Dir: Christophe Rousset. https://www. rapidshare. com/files/ 1476682505/ HandPart-

Patricia Bardon

The opera, which is in three acts, is composed to an Italian libretto adapted by an unknown hand from a libretto originally written in 1699 by Silvio Stampiglia. Stampiglia’s libretto had received many previous settings, including one by Caldara which Handel may have seen in Venice around 1710.

It was Handel’s first comic (or, rather, unserious) opera since the much earlier Agrippina, breaking away from the more traditional opera seria works for which the composer was known in London. He originally proposed the libretto to the opera company the Royal Academy of Music (1719) in 1726. They however rejected the work because of its frivolous nature, its relatively few extended arias and its long passages of recitative. (The latter objections are not particularly true, however. The opera has relatively few ensemble pieces but is replete with gorgeous arias.) The opera was presented during the 1730 season at the King’s Theatre when Handel was working in partnership with the director John James Heidegger. The score was completed by Handel just two weeks before the premiere

In 1964 it was performed at Ledlanet, Scotland. In 1998 it was performed in Italian at Glimmerglass Opera, and the same production was performed later that year at New York City Opera. A production in English (entitled Parthenope) was staged in 2008 (premiere 9 October 2008, with the title role sung by Rosemary Joshua) by the English National Opera, in a co-production with Opera Australia. The libretto was translated by Amanda Holden. The production was set in an 1920s atmosphere and was inspired by the surrealist images of Man Ray. Also, a concert version of the opera was performed by The Royal Danish Opera at the 2009 Proms on 19 July 2009.

A modern production by Francisco Negrin was staged by New York City Opera in April 2010.

Gluck. Iphigenia en Tauride. 1986. Roma. Elisabeth Connell. Thomsa Moser. Lajor Miller. Jean Philippe Lafont. Norberg Schultz. E. Jaroszewicz Mureddu. Anita Caminada. Gianfranco Casarini. Dir.: Wolfgang Scheidt.
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 4148496519/ Iphigenie_ en_T._01. mp3
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 3992013178/ Iphigenie_ en_T._02. mp3

Verdi. Trovatore. 2011. Met.Video. Marcelo Alvarez. Sondra Radvanovsky. Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Dolora Zajick. El resto del elenco puede verse en los títulos Dir.: Marco Armiliato.
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 4076777394/ TROV2011. part1.rar
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 2015375865/ TROV2011. part2.rar
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 1337345774/ TROV2011. part3.rar
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 3268002590/ TROV2011. part4.rar
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 2319180298/ TROV2011. part5.rar

Wagner. Parsifal. 1975. Bayreuth. Renee Kollo. Hans Sotin. Eva randova. Bernd Weikl. KarlRidderbusch. Franz Mazura.  Dir.:Horst Stein.
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 1037192261/ parsbay75_
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 929518695/ parsbay75_
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 3804624234/ parsbay75_
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 1494543100/ parsbay75_

Floyd. Susannah. 1993. ChicagoRenne Fleming. Samuel Ramey. Michael Myers. Richard Markley. Philip Kraus. Wilbur Pauley. Peter Blanchet. William Watson. Jean Kraft.
https://rapidshare. com/files/ 2138393932/ SusannahLOC93. zip

Aporte de Horacio (Atlanta):
Haendel. Rodelinda. 2004. Glyndebourne. Emma Bell (Rodelinda). Marijana Mijanovic (Bertarido). Jean Rigby (Edvige). Tiimothy Robinson(Grimoaldo).: Paul Gay (Garibaldo). Matthew White (Unulfo). Orch. Age of Enlightenment. Dir.: Emmanuelle Haim

Dos nuevos aportes de Ricardo Román:
Humperdinck. Hansel und Gretel. 1971. Anna Moffo (Hänsel). Helen Donath (Gretel). Dietrich Fischer Dieskau (Peter). Charlotte Berthold (Gertrud). Christa Ludwig. Arleen auger. Lucia Popp. Dir. Kurt Eichhorn

Brahms Ein Deutsches requiem1964. Paris.Video.Evely Lear.Thomas Stewart. Orch y coro ORTF. Dir.: Karl Richter